KMU Focus

A Good Ieda!

Do you want to meet and talk with KMU foreign exchange students? Do you want to have a coffee and share about your cultures and lives together? Let us know if you would like to talk about your country’s culture, or living in Korea as a foreigner. Everyone has a story to tell! Let’s start a Kookmin Campus Coffee Morning!

It’s easy: Find a place to meet, advertise a monthly event, invite a international professor to make a short welcome speech and explain the rules of conversation and how to have “small talk,” and just start talking~ it’s fun!

Some advice: keep the groups small (3-4 people at a table works best) and take a group photo at the end to put in the next issue of Review. Get some feedback from the participants as well. “What did you talk about? Was it interesting?” and ask them to give their names and email addresses so you can put them on the mailing list for the next month. You can even make a Facebook group so everyone can stay in touch!!!

If the University will agree to be a sponsor, you may be able to get a budget to provide the coffee and muffins, or charge 3,000 won per student to cover the costs. Either way, it doesn’t cost much to meet and talk! You’ll need a small staff of three or four committed student volunteers to set up, advertise and clean up at the end. And someone to write a monthly report with photos for the Review. 

If you need help, let me know, and I will be a willing advisor. Even though this is my last term at KMU, I love this school, and I love the students, and I will be just an email away. Wishing you all the very best in 2012 and a many happy Coffee Mornings in the future!

Debacker, Robin(Professor, Dept. of General Education)