KMU Focus

Have you found the right place to be Yet?
Javkhlantugs Byambaa (JV)/ Guest Reporter

There are a number of student music clubs featuring various genres, such as rock, hip-hop, beatbox, and R&B at KMU. As just about everybody has some interest in music, most freshmen want to be part of their favorite music scene. By participating in these clubs, students can enjoy their university career with friends, joy, and music while setting their minds at ease after hours of studying. Review has put together an outline of three music clubs, including each club's vision and motivation, for Kookminians who are seeking the right place to be. "Ausung" and "December" have come to represent live music clubs, while "G-cord" would represent the hip-hop and rap enthusiasts among Kookminians on campus. Here, Review has interviewed members from the three clubs- G-cord, December, and Ausung - to introduce other KMU students to what each music club has to offer.

1. What do you require from new students to join? (None of the clubs require an audition) G-cord: "Whoever is into the vein of Black-American music like hip-hop, rap, underground, R&B, and so on." December: "Whoever has enough skill in any musical instrument can join, but we can teach, so it does not really matter. We are also seeking out members who are passionate enough to stick to the club for at least two years and who are friendly." Ausung: "There are no special requirements to be a member of Ausung." At 40 current members, Ausung's numbers far surpassed the other clubs, which counted only 23 and 16 members. Not hard to imagine why, is it?

2. What's the difference between making friends through the club and through taking the same major courses? All three clubs had same answers to this question, responding that they were much closer because their clubs comprised of people with common interests in music, and there was no competition to worry about. Because of practice, the club members end up spending less time with friends in the same major and more time with club friends. The interviewees concluded that they felt more like family than just friends. One Ausung member chimed in, humorously, °∞No worries about G.P.A."

3. How often do you gather? Or how often do you stay at your club? G-cord: "Whenever we have free time, we put our priority on coming to the club room, and during the performance preparation period, we almost live there." December: °∞Every day we stick to the club room from 9 am to 10 pm." Ausung: "We really do live here," (laughs).

4. How do you feel after a performance? G-cord: "We feel more united and personally feel self-achievement because we prepare advertisements, make music, and all the background work together for more than a month." December: "Even though we go through some tough times carrying out the best performance, afterwards we feel more accepting and kindhearted toward one another." Another member added, "Individually, we will never have a chance to perform on stage, but as a band, we can go up on stage and feel pride out of it." Ausung: °∞Because we play songs all together, we feel inspired by each other's performances. Since we have such a great number of members, usually about 20 students perform during the performance."

7. Tell us about your upcoming performance. G-cord: "It will be true hip-hop from Kookmin." December: "We are performing all kinds of rock music such as Heavy Metal, Alternative, and Soft Rock. About six members will be performing on the stage as a band, and the rest of the members will help out the band as staff." Ausung: "We are trying to put as many members as possible on the stage, so you can expect to see many different faces with good music."

Finally, G-cord took a moment to highlight their distinctive qualities: "Our head is cold as you can see. Although our appearance is very exotic and gangsta, our hearts are pure and fragile." In the end, every member of G-cord, December, and Ausung came to agree that music is just a plaything ¶° a plaything that lets them make connections and relationships, and find true happiness. Hopefully, a fresh crop of Kookminians finds its way into the clubs. From this moment, all we, Kookminians, need to do is to wait for Ausung, December, and G-cord to rock the stage! Good luck to these clubs and their upcoming performances from Review and all Kookminians!