by Brian Roberson/ Dept. of General Education
Are you stressed about trying to learn English with such little results? Do you lack confidence because you feel your pronunciation is not natural enough? Are you afraid of meeting native English speakers because you think they won’t understand you or you won’t be able to understand them? Well if any of these sound like you, take heart because you are not alone. Most non-native speakers of English have these same concerns and anxieties when it comes to carrying on a basic conversation in English. The question is: What can you do to improve your English ability and overcome these fears quickly? Should you study grammar or pronunciation or memorize long lists of vocabulary words? Let me give you some basic tips to get the most out of your English experience.
First and most importantly, you need to use your English! You most likely already have years and years of English grammar stuffed inside your head, but it is fading away because of lack of use. You do not need to put any more grammar up there but just start putting to use the grammar that is already there. That is right. Maybe you have heard the expression: “If you do not use it, you lose it!” That definitely applies here. Most Koreans have learned English grammar from as early as elementary school and have become very adept in all the ins and outs of grammar and its rules. But if all of this knowledge is not put to good use, it will soon dry up and eventually disappear. Putting your English to practical use is the best way to make use of all your stored English knowledge and when you do, you will find that your grammar will begin to take shape.
The first and easiest way to use and improve your English ability and confidence is to read in English. Reading mainstream English books (not just English learning books) is a great way to see real English in action. You get a feel for how English grammar is used just by participating in the English reading experience. And you must force yourself to read out loud so you will also be practicing your pronunciation at the same time. Of course part of this practice must include listening to English CD’s or watching English DVD’s in order to hear the target pronunciation you would like to emulate. The more you put English into your ears, the more your listening proficiency will improve. And the more you read, and read aloud, the more you wll find your vocabulary and pronunciation growing in giant steps.
Another great way to put your English ability to work is to get together with your friends and have an English speaking time. As you know, most Koreans are learning English and have a fairly good English knowledge base. You just have to be diligent in your effort to speak only English and not revert to trying to translate or “chit chat” in Korean. You need to set a specific amount of time you will dedicate to speaking English and then stick to it. If you can talk only in English, and even try to think in English then you will be better able to resist using Korean as you move along with your discussion time.
As you explore with English, you must be positive. Always having an open mind and confident attitude will give you the ability to go out and make it happen. But you must take the first step. Sitting and wishing you could speak English better like Tom Cruise without putting forth any effort won’t help you. And of course you can also pray that you will have the wisdom and understanding as you venture along your English journey. No matter where your English level is now, I guarantee it will increase if you follow these simple ideas, making you one step closer to your goal. I will be discussing each of these tips and more ideas in greater detail in upcoming issues, so be sure to watch for more helpful ways to grow in your pursuit of English learning. Do not be afraid, just do it!