Details of course repetition and summer/winter session
Freshmen are among those students who typically lack information related to their universities. Yet some information, such as course repetition regarding summer and winter sessions, is often important and even needed. As such, details related to course repetition are featured in this article.
Course repetition system
· Object: Enrolled students (who apply for leaves of absence) and returning students
· Period of registration: Period of signing up for classes
· Notices: Only students who have received below a C+ can enroll in course repetition classes.
- Enroll in course repetition classes during the given period and please the check related guidance message.
- Grade: Students from 2015 can at best earn a B+.
- Students from 2015 cannot repeat courses more than eight times. However, if they repeat a course in which they originally received an F, the repetition is not included in the total number of repeats.
Summer/Winter session
· Operation period: Courses will be established for the summer and winter vacation periods.
· Operation: All courses will be established when more than 18 students enroll in a class.
- Classes should be taken for more than 15 hours for one credit. Students can register for the class for a maximum of six credits.
· Registration: First semester students can only take summer classes and second semester students can only take winter classes.
· Period of registration: Summer session will occur from the end of May to early June and winter session will take place from the end of November to early December.
· Grade approval: Grades from the summer session will be added to the first semester grade.
- Grades from the winter session will be added to the second semester grade.
- Grades from the summer/winter session are irrelevant to the selection of scholarship students and are only included in credits toward graduating.
- Grades from the summer/winter sessions have no effect on academic probation or limiting credits during the following semester's course registration.