It’s really good to meet you Kookmin Review readers! Wherever you come from, whenever you read our articles, we are all welcoming you anytime. Are you planning for school Exchange student program? Or are you an exchange student who comes to Kookmin University? Probably, most of university students have dreams of studying abroad and making lots of foreign friends. Nowadays, while you walk around the campus, you can find foreign students easily. A lot of foreigners come to our campus to study and at the same time, lots of Korean students go abroad for their studying.
Therefore, for our readers who are preparing for the exchange student program, Kookmin Review interviewed with International Affairs Division. Hope we can resolve your curiosity and help your plans for the exchange student.
Source : the International Affairs Division
Apply for Fall 2019 Study Abroad Program!
◎ Deadline : ~ March 13th, 2019 (Wednesday) 4pm
◎ How to Apply : Apply through KTIS ― Exchange Student Program/Language program ― Study
Abroad Program Application
◎ Study Abroad Semester : Fall 2019 ◎ Period for Study Abroad : 1 semester
◎ See details at [] > International > Community > Notice
Q1. Could you introduce yourself and the International Affairs Division?
I’m Miji Lee, working at the International Affairs Division. I’ m in charge of International Relations and Student Mobility.
Our team is divided into two sections. One focuses on studying abroad and the other focuses on international students’ admissions. Study Abroad section manages Exchange Student, Visiting Student, and Dual Degree programs. We are helping for both incoming students and outgoing students.
Also, we conduct short-term language programs and faculty led program such as SGE(Sungkok Global Exposure) program.
We constantly expand international exchange partners to develop international mobilities.
Students’ Admissions section manages international admissions for both undergraduates and graduate students.
We facilitate international students’ with enrollment process.
Q2. Any requests or tips for students who are planning for the Exchange student program?
If you are planning to apply for the program, basically you should manage your GPA (minimum 3.0) and prepare for official language scores. Please set your goals first and prepare for requirements for the specific university of your interest.
We have International Affairs Division website ( and there you will be able to search for the programs you wish to participate in (Category: find your program). You can also find useful information including our partner universities and former experienced students’ testimonial reports. It is always good to search for details about the university or the region you’re planning to study at as it will be shown through your application or an interview that how much you have given thoughts about your future goals. We do prefer students with tangible goals and motives as they will be able to gain more experience and knowledge through the program with comprehensive preparations.
Q3. What is the most important factor in selecting students?
It’s actually different from region to region and from university to university. We try to find students who fit certain universities’ requirements. We review student’s GPA, Foreign language scores and Letter of Recommendation in overall for screening documents. We also consider why students want to enroll in specific programs and ascertain whether they can progress in those same programs. If you pass the document screening there’s an interview. Students’ aims and the purpose for which they are applying to exchange programs become the most important factors. Former assessment doesn’t effect later assessment: it’s zero-based. As such, if you pass the first section, focus instead on thinking about the program itself and how you relate to it.
Q4. What do you care the most in students? Are there any difficulties?
Students cause trouble in a rare occasion and most of the exchange students perform well in both academic and extracurricular circumstances. However, we especially take an effort when it comes to foreign students’ visa matter. Getting a student visa and foreign registration need to be worked in special care, thus students have to follow the timeline as well as the required documentations.
Q5. When is the most delightful and happy moment while working at the International Affairs Division?
When students complete the program and return to Korea, they tell us about their experiences and show us how satisfied they were with the program via email, a note, or in person.
Some of them start to dream up new life goals, and others alter their life directions. They tell us that it broadens their worldviews. When we hear these stories, it feels really good and we get all the more motivated.
When those students achieve what their goals, we are so happy for them. We think our program helps make students’ lives a little brighter.
International students also tell us how their exchange programs helped them get to know Korea and how they learned lots of things during their time here. It’s really delightful as both a Korean and a program coordinator.
Q6. Where could students get some information about International Affairs Division?
On our website ( ― it’s been updated since last semester. We make announcement on our website and upload helpful information such as notices for various programs, experienced students’ reports.
You can also find our major announcement in KMU homepage. If you are interested in our programs, you can learn about them there. Try to learn and make your own future plan!
Q7. Any last words?
I strongly recommend students to try for the exchange student program as it you will be able to improve your language skills and experience a different style of teaching.
It will also allow you to learn about new cultures and widen your perspectives. You will have a chance to develop your confidence and discover career opportunities as well. I’m sure the program will affect your future life in a wonderful way!
Ha-Been Kim
The Kookmin Review Editor-In-Chief