To follow the educational reform of the school system, Kookmin University recently introduced some changes to its majors and colleges in 2017. The changes include name changes and making subdivisions in some majors & colleges. Though you are busy with studies, have you ever paid any attention to these changes? At least, while you are a member of the university and as a Kookminian, it would be better to know about these changes for your happy and satisfactory campus life. That is the reason why the Kookmin Review intends to let you know about these changes. We will provide information concerning the names of renamed majors and colleges, expected future career fields and each major's differentiated programs. Let's try to get to know our campus better! These are what you should know.
1. College of Humanities + School of International and Area Studies
= Global College of Humanities and Area Studies
There were 4 majors in the School of International and Area Studies: Eurasian Studies, Japanese Studies, Chinese Studies, and Global Korean Studies. By combining the School of International and Area Studies with the College of Humanities, each of its 4 majors had some changes. Two majors, Eurasian Studies and Japanese Studies, established their own departments: 'Dept. of Eurasian Studies' and 'Dept. of Japanese Studies.' The Chinese Studies was combined with Chinese Literature and Linguistics and they constitute the 'School of Chinese Studies.' And, the name of the major became 'Chinese Politics and Economy.' The Global Korean Studies now belongs to the 'School of Korean Language and Literature.' Its major was combined with the Korean Language and Literature major and the name of the major is 'Korean as a Global Language.' The 'Dept. of Korean History' changed its Korean name, but it still has the same meaning. Additionally, the 'Dept. of Education' in the College of Humanities moved to the College of Social Sciences. Almost all the colleges and departments mentioned here are related to language and culture. And they represent diverse fields of humanities and basic studies. So, there are very wide ranges of future expected career fields than any other professional colleges. The students, especially those who major in Eurasian Studies, Japanese Studies and Chinese Politics and Economy, could have opportunities to get CK scholarship. And, the School of Chinese Studies and Dept. of Japanese Studies have specific exchange colleges. So, it became much easier to get opportunities to participate in Sungkok Global Exposure (SGE).
2. College of Social Sciences
There are few changes to the College of Social Sciences. The School of International Studies moved out and became some parts of the Global College of Humanities and Area Studies. And, the Dept. of Education came into the College of Social Sciences. The School of Communications didn't have any name changes, but its two subordinate majors were renamed this year. The Mass Communication major became the 'Media and Communication major' and the Advertising major became the 'Advertising & Public Relations major.' These changes reflect the focus on practical aspects of the studies. Most students in the School of Communications plan their careers related to media and advertising, and pursue jobs in public institutions or private enterprises.
3. School of Management Information Systems in College of Business Administration
Originally, this school had two subordinate majors called 'Information Management major' and 'Information Systems major.' But 'Information System major' was no longer offered in 2017. So, only 'Information Management major' remains in the School of Management Information Systems. The College of Business Administration has many scholarship programs. There are K-scholarship, J-scholarship, G-scholarship and Dean's scholarship. And the graduates enter into professions of information systems design and development, general management, public computing, and information technology and management consulting.
4. College of Engineering → College of Creative Engineering
First, the name of this college was changed to the College of Creative Engineering. Second, the School of Advanced Materials Engineering diversified its major. There was only one major in the school, 'Advanced Materials Engineering major.' Now it is divided into 'Metallurgical and Structure Materials major' and 'Electronic and Functional Materials major.' Third, the School of Mechanical System Engineering was renamed to 'School of Mechanical Engineering.' And, 'Mechanical Energy Engineering major' was added as one of its subordinate majors. Fourth, the School of Electrical Engineering which belonged to the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was moved into the College of Creative Engineering and diversified its majors to 'Electronics Convergence Engineering', 'Electronics & Information System Engineering,' and 'Energy Electronics Convergence'.
5. College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science → College of Computer Science
Originally, the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science consisted of 'School of Electrical Engineering' and 'School of Computer Science.' And now the School of Electrical Engineering was moved into the College of Creative Engineering and the remaining School of Computer Science renamed itself to 'School of Software.' It has one major which is the 'Software major.'
6. College of Forest Science + College of Natural Science = College of Science and Technology
The two colleges were combined to become the 'College of Science and Technology.' The Dept. of Bio and Nano Chemistry and Dept. of Mathematics in the College of Natural Science changed their names to Dept. of Applied Chemistry and Dept. of Information Security, Cryptology and Mathematics.
Kookmin Review
Cub-Reporter Ha-Been Kim