KMU Focus

Meet Post-it Marketer Park Kuen-Young

In Korean society, going into a job market requires a lot of things. It is not an exaggeration to say that college entrants nowadays start preparing for a job as soon as they enter college. Feeling that the more you know, the better prepared you will be for a job market, many try to build work competencies before they graduate from college. For this issue, the Kookmin Review interviewed “Post-it” marketer Park Kuen-Young from 3M to share his story. Park Kuen-Young is the one and only Post-it marketer at 3M Korea and his journey of getting a job at 3M gives helpful tips to college students who want to be fully prepared. Park Kuen-Young started college at a later age after finishing his military service. However, his countless efforts widened opportunities of getting employed where he wanted to pursue his career. Even though he was at a disadvantage in the beginning, he overcame what people considered as “weaknesses” and achieved his dream. As Park Kuen-Young has working experience in sales as well, his story will be beneficial to those students who want to pursue careers in both sales and marketing. The following is an edited script of the interview with Park Kuen-Young.

How did you get employed at 3M?
When I entered college, I was not a business major. However after taking a marketing class, I realized that there were no other subjects that could excite me more than marketing classes. I was mesmerized, and I immediately decided to transfer to business school in my sophomore year. In that second year, I was able to study about marketing more seriously and I got to learn more about companies such as 3M and P&G. I was especially attracted by 3M which encouraged innovation from its employees, and I realized that I wanted to work for them.
After I realized that I wanted to be a marketer, I started to get involved in many different activities that might be helpful as a marketer. I worked as a school reporter, honorary school ambassador and also did various extracurricular activities.
During my fourth year, after winning first place in the 3M UCC Exhibition Contest, I felt like I was one step closer to becoming a 3M employee. Because of all the effort I put in preparing for a job, I felt like I gave it my best when 3M was recruiting for new employees. When I applied for 3M, so many countries were facing economic crises and the competition for jobs was really high, but I was able to be chosen as the one employee out of 1700 applicants.

I really put so much effort into getting that job. I met as many 3M employees as I could before the job interview. I found people who were working at 3M through the social networking system and asked many questions about the company. I sometimes waited an hour just to meet a 3M employee face-to-face and ask about his work. I think the information from these people really helped me during the actual work interview with 3M. 

You also worked as a salesperson at 3M. Is there anything that is memorable to you as a salesperson? Were there any difficulties?
I was very proud when I was chosen as the employee of the year in my group. It was really great. I worked in a Lotte Mart back then and I honestly put my best effort into my work. It was great to be recognized with a reward for my hard work. However, working as a salesperson was not always easy for me. I was a little introverted and inexperienced, so I had a difficult time meeting new people or dealing with customers.

What or how should the students prepare if they want to become a salesperson?
In order to be a successful salesperson, you must be a competent communicator. It is not just about saying a lot of words, but you have to be convincing and logical. It is good to participate in different activities, such as volunteer work or exhibitions, but I think it is more important to read as many books as you can. A salesperson has to deal with many people and it is important to understand the people whom you communicate with. I believe reading social science books could be a big help in that aspect.

You are working in the department responsible for Post-its, which is the trade-mark of 3M. What was the most memorable event while working in this department?
Recently, 3M had an event called Post-it Creative World. My company set up a pop-up-store in front of a department store where there were drawing competitions and all sorts of different events. Also, I had a show-room, or space where I was able to present the history of Post-its through different pictures. It was an exciting chance for me to communicate with people that a Post-it is more than just a simple memo.

How should students prepare if they want to be employed in a foreign company?
Language, such as English or Chinese, is probably the most important aspect of being employed in a foreign company. It is not as difficult to be employed in foreign company as you would expect. However, the important thing is not whether you are employed in a foreign company but how you build your future in that company. I could, honestly, say that communication will play a crucial part in building your career in that company. In that sense, I encourage students to learn a new language or improve upon one while you have a chance, because it will be immensely helpful when you start working in a foreign company.

Many students who dream of becoming marketers are participating in various extracurricular activities to gain experience in marketing. Do you thing such activities are practical or helpful?
Of course, being exposed to different experiences will be helpful in one way or another. However, it is better to gain experience from a field related to the one that you want to pursue. My experience in exhibition and marketing projects in school was very helpful when I started to work for 3M. Also, the knowledge that I gained from school was helpful as well. For instance, when I was taking Marketing Research class, I remember studying more than the given curriculum and I got a good grade. Things I learned in those courses were very useful. You should work hard in school and outside of school.

Many students who enter college comparably later than other students give up on many of their dreams because they feel more pressure in finding a job. Can you give a word of encouragement to those students?
I would like to say that you are never too late if you start right now. The important thing here is not “when” but rather “how”. Whatever it is, just find something that you really love to do or would love to achieve and go for it. I promise you that you will succeed in it.

Throughout the interview, Park Kuen-Young tried to share as many stories as possible so the Kookminians could gain valuable tips. As he got help from many people when he was preparing for a job, he wanted to help others now. Let’s not forget that nothing comes for free. Success is the sum of every effort.