KMU Focus

Provisional Government of Republic of Korea

▲The Doorplat of the of the provisional Government of ROK       PHOTO BY YOON JI-HAE


It’s been 94 years since a Korean Provisional government was established in Shanghai, China. I have personally visited theProvisional government of Korea which is located on a small residential alley. In contrast with the skyscrapers nearby, the building is comparably old andI could feel the track of the time. The Provisional governmentis small and shabby and many visitors can not recognize it as a historical site. At that time, there were two Korean tour buses parked across the street. The sight of a huge Korean tour group visiting our historical site was impressive and pleasant.

The Korean Provisional government was a government in exile which was organized in April 1919 in Shanghai by Korean independence fighters. The Provisional government was formed in reaction to Japanese suppression of the March 1st movement, which was the struggle for Korean independence from Japanese rule. This had begun with a proclamation of independence issued by 33 prominent Koreans on March 1, 1919, and a number of massive demonstrations followed in Korea wherever the proclamation was read. Leading members of the Korean Provisional government included such national leaders as Ahn Chang-Ho and Kim Gu.

According to the local Chinese officials of the Korean Provisional government, in spite of the fact that visitors has increased recently, it is still hard to maintainthe historical site. This is due to the Chinese government’s pressure to remove the site as the location is included in a redevelopment area. Due to the persistent pressure from the Chinese government, the Korean Provisional government historical site has recently increased its entrance fee to protect the site from the Chinese government's forced demolition. The Korean consulate office located in Shanghai is putting constant effort into keeping the historical building. Korean overseas residents in Shanghai have raised funds to support the maintenance of the Provisional government of Korea. Still, there are some legal issues concerning the preservation of the site.

Many people are aware that following the 1 March Independence Movement, in the year during the Japanese colonial rule of the Korean peninsula, a Korean provisional government was established in Shanghai, China, on April 13, 1919. However, there were actually three Korean provisional governments established. The first was formed in Vladivostok on 21 March and the third in Seoul on 21 April of that same year. The reason for theseestablishments in three different places almost simultaneously can be explained by the fact that the need for leadership was felt to be urgent in the independence struggle.

Through the efforts of Ahn Chang-ho these three provisional governments were consolidated in Shanghai in August 1919. The Korean provisional government is located in a two-story building in the French section of Shanghai, which was one of the most international cities in Asia at the time. Historians state that the building was located near the French municipal police station in Shanghai, so that our government could get protection from the Japanese government. As they were the only independence organization abroad, and despite financial difficulties and attempts at suppression, independence patriots did their best to fulfill the international obligations of the Korean government.

The Provisional government of the Republic of Korea was used as office and gathering space from July 1926 to April 1932. Since then, the building was used as Chinese local people's residence. However, in 1993, through the cooperation between two countries (Korea and China), the Provisional government of the Republic of Korea could be preserved as a historical site.

Inside the historical site, there are exact reproductions of the original conference rooms, kitchens, toilets and bedrooms of the time. Besides, there were exhibitions on the suppression of independence fighters who fought for independence from Japan in foreign countries. They exhibited documents and pictures of the times to allow us to feel the spirit of their struggle. But photography inside the site was strictly banned. There were local Chinese police acting as security guards. Due to the recent increase in the number of foreign visitors, the Chinese government has strengthened the security of the place.

With the establishment of the provisional government, Korea was able to fight against Japan for national independence. There is still a large amount of support and help needed to conserve our meaningful place in Shanghai, China. Thus, Koreans, includingKookmin University students visiting Shanghai are strongly encouraged to count the Korean provisional government as a must-visit place. This would be a valuable experience to learn about our ancestor's fighting spirit.