KMU Focus

COLOR RUN, the marathon held in commemoration of April 19th revolution!

In commemoration of the 53rd anniversary of the April 19th revolution, the Student Union of Kookmin University held a marathon on April 11th to honor the spirit of the brave students and citizens who were willing to sacrifice their lives. Featuring an entirely new concept, this COLOR RUN was promoted with the participation of about 1,000 people for the approximately 10km course from Kookmin University to the 4.19 National Cemetery. Let’s go to the marathon event that was filled with the great passion of Kookmin people.

Standing firmly against despotism, this democratic movement was initiated on April 19, 1960 being led by students and citizens. The significance of the 4.19 revolution can be found in its approach as it did not intend to struggle for political takeover or regime shift for the realization of a certain political ideology. Also, there was neither a politically leading power nor plan or target of organizational struggle. However, the situation got changed and developed in the course of carrying out the righteous indignation against injustice among the young students filled with a sense of justice. As a result, it became an independent phenomenon (Reference: Encyclopedia of Naver).

This event held in commemoration of the 4.19 revolution was planned to relive that day through a marathon that inherits the passion and spirit of the April 19th revolution. This event was independently hosted by Open Together, the Student Union of Kookmin University. Especially in this event, the format of ‘COLOR RUN’ asked to paint the participants’ white attire when arriving at a certain spot. Such idea not only aroused the attention of the students who are living away from the past but also provided them with an opportunity to express themselves freely. Simply put, it intended to reflect upon the value of democracy, equality, justice, and freedom that were cried out in the past.

The approximately 10km course from Kookmin University to the 4.19 National Cemetery was not an easy path. The road was not well paved so it was tough to run consistently. Although there were policemen who regulated the traffic, it is difficult to maintain a tight control because it rained intermittently that day. Without the gathered strength of the Kookmin people, this event would not have been possible. Despite such unfavorable condition, the Kookmin people remained enthusiastic in participating in the said marathon, keeping a smile on their faces. For about 2 hours, there were instances of walking and instances of running among the participants. And finally, the sign of the 4.19 National Cemetery was seen. To celebrate the completion of full marathon, the Student Union provided beverages and lunch boxes.

Having their photos taken at the photo zone, the marathon finishers solved a quiz related to the 4.19 revolution. The questions were about the event in which the university students and citizens in Seoul went to Gyeongmudae (The former name of the Blue House) to request a meeting with President Yi, Seung-man, martyr Kim, Ju-yeol who disappeared after joining a demonstration against the March 15th ballot-rigging, date of making a statement on the resignation of President Yi, Seung-man, and so on.

Kookmin people also offered flowers in condolence of the victims by visiting the 4.19 National Cemetery. The president of the Student Union explained the purpose and significance of this event and talked about the senior Cheong-su Yi from Kookmin University in the cemetery. The participants deeply lamented for the sacrifice of our ancestors who fought for democracy 53 years ago, reflecting upon their devotion and honoring their noble spirit. With this as the end, the COLOR RUN Marathon held in commemoration of the April 19th revolution was closed. After the event, the more matured thoughts of the Kookmin people were shared.

As there were the brave students and citizens who were willing to devote their lives for democracy, the democracy today could have been developed and reinforced. However, the passion on democracy that was yearned for in the past is getting dull. ‘The April 19th revolution’ was the wind of democracy blown in Korea 53 years ago. What about finding the spirit of democracy that has been forgotten even among the Kookmin people and appreciate the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for a great and noble cause on this coming April 19th?