KMU Focus

Dreaming of a warmer tomorrow,EO Dream Co. Ltd. /an alumnus leader's social enterprise.

One day when a cold wave covered the Korean peninsula, we went to the EO Dreamcorporation. When we visited there, EO Dream workers and President Jung Pyo Oh,majoring in metal craft in the graduate school of Kookmin University, was preparing to leave to go on another of his "warm work" visits.

We, along with EO Dream went to a volunteer center in Mapo-gu. That day, an eventsponsored by EO Dream and Mapo-gu office took placewhere volunteers carried the DIYof EO Dream in their hands and gave the older folks in a sanatorium souvenir accessorieswhich they had made. Before starting this event, President Jung Pyo Oh introduced each member of the corporation to the volunteers.He introduced one member with a handicap as being a verynecessary person, and another one hired through a program which helps find jobs for people supporting theMapo-gu officefor over 50years. This is what EO Dream wants to demonstrate. After the introduction, he explained his thoughts on a design and asked the volunteers to make them with spirit.

The place where everyone wascontemplating and concentrating ontheir work consisted of joy and happiness. President Oh asked our reporters to make the accessories together with them. We had been hoping for that, so when we finallygot the chance to do it,we enjoyed making them instead of just watching them being done.We asked,‘Is there any place where anyone can learn to make them?’Hesaid there are 9 main offices, 25 branch offices, and 60 specialty stores to learn at. If you want to learn to make them by yourself, you can buy a book called ‘Making My Own Accessories with Gluten’ to help you. If you want to buy materials, you can do it through the EO Dream homepage.

Pretty ear caps and key chains to give to the aged were completed under the instruction of EO Dream members. When the older folks got the key chains from the volunteers, they hugged them and said they are like their grandchildren. With this scene, many people felt verymoved. We can also accuratelyfeel what EO Dream aims to accomplish.

After the event was finished, we moved to the office together. Their office, which is not far from Hongik University, is a place filled with a passion similar to that of Hongik University. The EO Dreamcorporation knew the meaning of putting it into practice. Modifiers such as community, endeavor, delivery in public procurement, and public purchase corporation attached to EO Dream can confirm it. EO Dream Co. Ltd. is a social and public purchase system to make accessories.They put beauty and traditional motifs of Korea into their accessories. The traditional motif of Korea’s beauty is illustrated.

EO Dream provides jobs to disabled persons and vulnerable social groups. They give them suitable positions to help them gain self-realization as well as financial independence. At EO Dream, disabled membersmake up 30% of the workforce. Also, the business is not declining but developing and growing. Thanks to this, they have become a corporation with several patents; but these are not the only reasons why this corporation is rising. The growth was possible because of their support for excellent product design and creativity. The products of EO Dream made by hand were frompure hearts. We couldn’t pass up the products because all of them were so beautiful.

EO Dream made us wonder about many things again. We talked more with President Oh about EO Dream.

Q. What is your reason why EO Dream corporation was founded?
- First of all, EO Dream was founded on the 16thof Feb. 2012. This is a venture company, social enterprise and public purchase system. I built this company to be able to be with disabled people and socially disadvantaged together. With this as our plan, we offer free education for the socially disadvantaged using two thirds of our profits. Though the free education, I want to reduce the gap of culture and show that to the socially disadvantaged,so that our company finds a better way to get the job done with this help.

Q. When we look around the homepage, we can guess your company is not just making accessories. Looking around your office, there are many things you make. What is EO Dream doing exactly?
-I think the patents we have tell you about that. Our corporation is emerging with three technologypatents. One of them is a techniqueto put nacres on clay. Another one is an air inhaler to help pick up small crystals easily. This is a necessarypiece of equipment to place crystals where one needs them to be, but it is for only experts. The other patent is called JPS and it is equipment for the public to be able to use,like when they have a class.So we are delivering three patenttechniques, such as a DIY kit, JPS, air inhaler for specialty stores, and we develop, and sell products delivered by a public officer.

Q. Actually, a goal of your corporation is a pursuit seeking. You are going another way with the name social enterprise. We are wondering if you have a special reason or prospectregarding that.
-Actually, I am disabled as well. When we determine if someone is disabled or not, we are only taking into consideration what we see. You may see me as not being disabled but I am. In my social life, I was subjected to many limits which only increased mydisability, so I have attempted so much to overcome those limits. The answer was to make and sell accessories so I can achieve self-realization though my own designs. I thought this was the best idea. That’s why I registered our corporation as a social and public purchase system. The social enterprise is running to provide a social service which is not provided well now to a neglected class of people. The biggest goal of our corporationis that we offer services to people who want to learn or have a slightly lower ability,by having our technicalskills available to them.

Q. What do you want your corporation to be?
- Our ultimate goal is to make ‘a society together’. Maybe someone will ask me what is the meaning of ‘a society together’. I am a person to plan and develop how to make accessories, so I want to make a society together to make my accessories whethersomeone is disabled or not. Also I want to run our corporation like anendowmentwhere our earned money can be used to educate the people who want to learn or cannot afford those benefits. Also, I will hire someone who would like to polish up on a skill so they can make completed ones through my system. Making many accessories to sell to the public or public officersby people regardlessof being disabled or not is my dream. Additionally, our corporationconsists of 9 members. Three of them are disabled.I would like to show that the disabled can work in a professional arena.

EO Dream was founded about 1year ago so it would be an advantage. They have already presented in famous international exhibits and have patents but they don’t settle for the present. They want to be a corporationachievingvaluein art and technology worldwide. EO Dream,taking care of people,grasping their hands,spoke their aspirations that they will always go down place and return money to society.

We hope EO Dream willdevelop as a corporation, receiving trust and love like President Oh says:‘I would like to be a help to everyone’ dreaming of a society with everyone together.