KMU Focus

Visual Communication Design Department 2012 GraduationExhibition / <Blank>

means an undefined and empty place. Many designers have been making an effort to utilize each and every color in order to create infinite possibilities. What do they comprehendthrough their learning ofknowledge called ‘Visual Design?’ I’m wondering if theycompleted their work based on personality orexperimentation. I’m going to introduce an interesting exhibitionthat will take place every year.

Kookmin University Visual Communication Design Graduation Show 2012
2012. 10. 26th~31st
Gangnam Stationexit 8 –gallery Luminarie

(The place where they create)

As soon as you go inside, what you seeis aremarkable poster of typography describing their ambition through the color red.Twenty three members divided their work into small places to show their world in alarge scale exhibition. What is the most interesting in this exhibitionis to observe various designs from illustrations, books &thescreenandprops designedlike web designs. Students exhibittheways they want well.

Han-na, Kim(21)observing the exhibition said:“As a student art major from another college, I will be graduatingin2years so I’m wondering how to exhibit works in agraduation show. And seeing theopening ceremony will also be a good experiencefor me.”President Se Won Park from Big Ant International alsoattended this show. It’s pretty impressive.


In this exhibition studentJiHyePark(‘09), who is showing character and props design said about her work:“CocunHouse is a place where people who are unconnected to societylive with comfort and enjoy their lives by themselves. TheCocun tribe shows 4ways to live, such asobsessing about smartphones, planting flowers, eating fast food and shoppingon theInternet. With this, I canexpress apackage design by showing how modern people can relieve stress and recharge their energy.”

Also, studentJiHyeYang(‘06) who expressed letter type in three dimensions through a3D typeface and editing design said:“We usually use 2D or normal letters so I was thinking ‘what if we see it with 3D?’ and then I created this work.Acharacteristic of this letter is that we can see theoriginal element by seeing thefront, back and side. My major is Entertainment Design and Visual Communication Design as well so this exhibitionis thesecond onefor me. It makes me feel impressed.”

Professor JiWon Lee manager for thegraduate students said to them:“After you graduate as a designer, your career will begin so I hope you can find what you really want to do through this exhibition.What you do is a first step. I want you to know it will be difficult and do your best. I wouldfirst like to give this advice to you who will begin soon.”

There is no element the 23 members didn’t deal within making this process from themanaging to thedesigning of exhibition. For theperfect exhibition, all they have received red eyes in the process. They are the answer to:‘the way I go is theright way.’When I asked them to express their thoughts for finishing the great work, all of members said:“We are so happy and impressed.” I’m very proud of them. With this exhibition, they brought an end to their student’s life, but they put a comma like ‘a pause’ as a designer. I will encourage them to step forward intoto society.