The seasonwhere we can see green leaves waving lively has finally come at Kookmin University. As a result, KMU students started to get nervous. One semester has already finished and nothing was left except each studentbeing pressed for time, living from day to day withouta New Year’s resolution. But don’t be disappointed. Professor Jongseo Park (Engineering Design), not only a pioneer but alsoleader of automobile design in our country, said that he hasalso suffered from such a difficult time. We metProfessor Jongseo Park, who is the third main hero of the Back to the 20s, and asked about his twenties and how heovercame a lot of curiosity and a slump at that time.
Q. You have expressed in the book named "The Book, It Serves Right!"which you published, that your twenties was likeahandstand. What is the real meaning of that?
I realizedtoo late that nature embraces the perfect and excellent design,even though I spent my whole life as an automobile designer. I thought that my life was moving in an opposite direction since I started to design without knowing the reality of the existence of nature as the best design. I spent the better part of my life as a designer, but I am still learning and getting inspiration from nature. Compared to the age of the earth, human beingshave existed with low ability since Christmas. I have expressed the thought that I will ask for and find the solution to all problems related to design, whichare hard to solvein nature even in the future.
Q. I heard from students that you are such a great speaker.What makes them say that? Among your ideas, is there something you want students to follow by any chance? Please tell me.
I treat all students as my own children and talk to them friendly. That’s why you heard them say that. And I also always try to speak honestly. To honestly say that you said something you don’t know what you really don’t know requires greatcourage. I am sure that I am really honest about this.I think this kind of confidence makes me a great speaker. (Laughing)
Because of this behavior I’ve had moreopportunities to gain knowledge. On my part, as a professor, it is much easier to teach those students who frankly admit what they do not know. Uncertain behavior causes confusion about what to teach and finally it will be hard to communicate knowledge to them. It would be better if students follow this basic rule.
Q. If we pick the best source of trouble, one of the biggest problems of the young generation is choosing a career. What motivated you to decide to be a designer?
My first dream was to be a stoker. A stoker is a person who adjusts or firesa heater or engine. I used to enjoy collecting dried wood and burningit. But fate is really strange, and since I entered elementary school, my dream has totally changed. The reason was my teacher’s compliment. One day, there was a Taeguki painting class and I drew the flag flapping in the wind instead of the normal shape. The teacher called me to the office and encouraged me by showing my sketch to the other teachers. Since that time, this teacher continued to pay attention to my talent, until I finally decided to work in this field.
Q. Then, are there any other deciding points that led you to choose a career of automobile designer?
At the beginning of university life, I wanted to be a sculptor. So I got admission to the Department of Artistic Craft at Hongik University just because I liked it. I didn’t think aboutwhether I would make big money with that career. I was so worried at that time about maintaining my life working as a sculptor because the pay is not good and career options were so limited. With the emergence of electrical appliances in Korea, I got interested in this field and began to study in Japan. During my training period, one articleof mine had been published in a Japanese magazine.Someone at The Hyundai Motor Company read the article then offered me a job, and my career as a vehicle designer had finally started.
Q. What did you do to develop your design ability when you were in college?
First of all, I read a lot of books. At that time, there were only a few books related to design.Magazines related to design such as the industrial designs of the USA were sometimes found at second hand book stores near US army bases, so I often checked out those book stores to get magazines and books.
I was attracted to the world of new design after reading those magazines and I also tried to become involved in artistic emotion by going around to many kinds of exhibitions related to fine arts. And I gave great importance to oil painting, watercolors and sketching, so I did not hesitate to draw pictures during my college life.
Q. What kind of work would you most like to do if you could go back to your college life again? And why would you want to do it?
I would like to learn more languages. If I could go back to that period, I would learnmore than five languages like Japanese, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. I am sure if you learn languages, you can have more opportunities. But in my opinion, it is not good to begin learning languages with a particular purpose in mind. A variety ofpossibilities will open naturally if we learn languages. For example, if you learn French, you will have the chance to live and work in France and this is the perfect opportunity for the person who is properly prepared. I think if you improve your language skills, it could become your own competitive edgeand then be your biggest toolto live in the world.
Q. In my opinion, you have achieved a lot of things and you are also on the top in the design sector. Do you still have regrets of something that you missed during your twenties?
Of course. I feel so regretful that I could not learn music eventhough I really enjoyed it. I prefer wind instruments such as horn or trumpet rather than string instruments.I wanted to be a musician but never had the opportunity. However, I learned some musical instruments such as the trumpet, flugelhorn, soprano saxophone, and harmonica as a hobby during my working period at Hyundai Motor Company as a designer. I especiallyenjoyed learning thetrumpet and soprano saxophone. I learned trumpet for 5 years and saxophone for about 8 or 9 years.
Q. Last question. Do you have something you’d like to ask the young generation?
The beginning is half of the whole To those who are in a lower grade, don’t be off your guard. In order to not have regrets when you are in a higher grade, you shouldprepare starting right now to develop yourself. Find the reality of the student A student’s main work is studying. It is necessary to go to school in comfortable clothesas muchas possible. Love your country As students, studying well, increasing your specialty and developing your character are all very important, but I would say the most important thing is remembering that your county is the root of who you are.
I felt like I was talking to my father during the interview with Professor Jongseo Park. I used to think professors were bossy and was afraid of them, however, Professor Park gave me sincere advice.The most impressive pointin his valuable talk is that whatwill differentiate success and failure 5 years after graduation will be honor.Although a person doesn’t have enough money but he or she is honorable in his or her work or situation, that person could be a winner. And the person who tries to hide from his or her situation in life could be a loser. After meeting Professor Park I found myself to be so immature because I thought that money, popularity, and power are the standards of life. I am really appreciative to him for his kind behavior to this editor from a different department and for his valuable reactionsto my individual questions.