KMU Focus

Illustration Gallery #2

The Illustration Gallery, which is the newly designed event for the 2012 spring semester, was set up to display various types of artwork personally made by Kookmin University’s students with a youth theme in mind. Each work was created using many different ways of interpreting expression, as “Youth” became artwork.

This work is the second piece exhibited in the Illustration Gallery.
Please feel the messages the artists want to convey and find the hidden pictures as you admire each piece slowly.

Adventure, Curiosity - by Yunseon Lim

Decision - by Yunseon Lim

Courage and Challenge - by Yunseon Lim

The period called ‘Youth’ is normally the time when people get into college. They are able to keep challenging life with unpredictable results, seeing everything as through a child’s eyes, having adventure all around the world. That’s the youth I would like to define.